All Locations

Pre-bookable and always at the best price

All Locations

Parking with MOBIAN offers ease, reliability, and seamless connections. Whether you're heading to the airport, the city, or an event, with a pre-booked parking spot, you're always guaranteed a place upon arrival. MOBIAN stands out by allowing you to book your parking spot and arrange transfers to other transport options—such as a bike, taxi, or public transport—all in one reservation. And not just mobility options; at some locations, you can even pre-book your EV charging point in the same process. Heading to the city? Park and switch to a bike or public transport. On your way to the terminal? Park and hop in a taxi or shuttle bus. Going to an event? Check if Park + Bike is available. This way, your entire trip is efficiently planned in one step – and one reservation. Use the MOBIAN app to easily manage your booking. With the app, you can unlock the digital bike lock, manage your reservation, and always have access to your transport tickets for the connection. Convenient and all at your fingertips! Below, you'll find a complete overview of all parking locations available through the MOBIAN platform. To quickly find the right spot, simply use the filters to refine your search.